This article explains the packet flow for the security engines in the PoP based on Cato's Single Pass Cloud Engine architecture (SPACE).
Cato's SPACE architecture examines and processes traffic flows with a single service. This service includes multiple networking and security engines that simultaneously analyze and process traffic flows. This architecture avoids the limitations of combining multiple point solutions with service chaining. The single pass for a flow minimizes latency and improves overall network performance. Each PoP can perform these networking and security decisions using all of Cato's SPACE services and engines.
The security and networking engines have full access to the data for the traffic flow and simultaneously evaluate and share data with each other with a shared context. The engines operate in parallel, there is no priority for one engine to evaluate traffic over another. The engines are located in each PoP and can share data without waiting for information from an engine in a different physical location.
For example, a firewall rule blocks macOS devices, however the firewall engine can’t get this data from the first packet and waits for more data. When a different engine identifies the device as macOS, then the firewall blocks the flow according to the rule action.
This section lists the network and security services and engines in the PoP that are applied to the different phases of the packet flow.
Cato policies and engines
Firewall - Firewall policy for Internet and WAN firewalls
Network - Network Rules policy for routing and QoS priority
IPS/SAM - IPS protections and Suspicious Activity Monitoring (SAM)
App Control - App identification for the Application Control policy
App Control gen2 - Rules for apps based on access: allow or block
App Control gen3 - Rules for apps based on granular actions: upload, download, and so on
TLSi - TLS Inspection for HTTPS and encrypted traffic
DLP - Content inspection for the Data Loss Protection (DLP) policy
AM/NGAM - Anti-Malware and Next-Gen Anti-Malware scanning attached files for malware
Traffic flow data and protocols
App identification - Various criteria are used to identify the specific application for security or networking policies
OS - Operating system (OS) for the device, for example with Device Posture or the Client Connectivity policy
Client Class - Type of client applications that run on the operating system that created this network flow (for example, Chrome)
URLF - URL Filtering for Cato categories based on the website URL
File_type - For CASB and DLP, file attachment in the upload or download direction
This is an example of a typical HTTP flow with the following items:
Timeline - Different phases of the traffic flow
Available fields - Data that is available for the specific timeline phase
Cato Engine - SPACE engine that is able to analyze the flow and then take the appropriate action (block or allow)
Traffic flow data - For each phase, data that is used to evaluate the traffic flow
You can see a list of the details below, Details of Sample TCP Flow.
This is an example of a traffic flow for a rule that includes the Slack application, and shows which information is available at each stage.
First packet - TCP
Source - Source port - 55477 Dest IP - Dest port - 443 Protocol - TCP DNS response - - (optional response)
This is the traffic flow information available based on this sample first packet:
5 tuple - can't identify the traffic is connected to the Slack application
DNS response - Based on previous flows, the engines already know that the dname for this destination IP is
ASN - based on the destination IP, the Security engine can identify the ASN
App identification includes: tcp
The engine waits for additional information from the TLS handshake before it can complete the identification of the Slack app.
"TLS Header" "sni_host": "" "predefined inspection bypass reason": "none" "ja3_formatted_str": "771,4865-4866-4867-49195-49199-49196-4920…"
This is the traffic flow information available based on this sample tls_handshake:
TLS header and server port 443 - matches the TLS protocol
SNI is - matches the Cato Slack app identification
SNI is also sent to the URLF, and matches categories Business Information, Computers and Technology, Social
Client Class is JA3 - classifies the client as a browser based on TLS fingerprinting
TLS inspection or bypass action - based on the Client Class and the app identification
App identification includes: tcp, tls, slack
"url" : " "host_name" : "" "Content-Type" : "application/pdf" "Content-Disposition" : form-data; name="file"; filename="sample-data.pdf" "Content-Length" : "52765"
In this sample flow, the following information is available based on the HTTP data:
App identification includes: tcp, tls, http, slack
TLS Inspection decrypts the flow and identifies that the Slack server host_name is
HTTP header - matches the HTTP protocol
This is a common example where HTTP_host matches the SNI, and there's no change for the App identification
URL - the upload prefix provides more granularity, and can match the upload action in the Application Control policy
Content-Type, Content-Disposition, Content-Length - provides information about the file name, size, and type
Application Control policy actions:
Enforce a policy that only uses the corporate Slack tenant
File control based on the file type
Anti-Malware and NG Anti-Malware only scan files in the download direction.
"HTTP Body payload" : "The File itself"
For example, DLP policy enforces no credit card data can be used in Slack messages.
The app identification is completed for the Slack application. It is identified as traffic that belongs to the social Category.
When the file content is ready, these engines analyze the file content:
DLP engine scans content based on the Data Control policy
Anti-Malware and NG Anti-Malware scan files in the download direction
This section explains the Cato security policy and engines that analyze and act on the traffic flow.
The WAN Firewall, Internet Firewall, and Network Rules policies are often able to evaluate a traffic flow on the first packet. For example, rules that are based on data from the 5-tuple. However, for rules that match specific applications, such as Azure or Slack, then additional data from the traffic flow is required for the engine to evaluate the flow. This means that the phase which the engine evaluates the flow depends on the settings for the specific rule.
For more information about the types of firewall rules, see Internet and WAN Firewall Policies – Best Practices.
This example shows how the PoP engines evaluate a traffic flow differently for a simple network rule that uses IP addresses and ports, and a complex firewall rule for Azure apps. The network engine is able to evaluate the flow based on the first packet, but the PoP waits for the additional data for the firewall engine to finalize its analysis.
Sample Network Rule
The following network rule is for traffic for the Source as an IP range with the port range 8000 - 8010, and the traffic is egressed via the London PoP location.
The networking engine is able to evaluate the routing decision for the traffic flow based on the 5-tuple.
Sample WAN Firewall Rule
The following WAN firewall rule allows traffic that is the same Source as the IP range for the network rule above, and for users that are members of the RnD user group. In addition, the rule is for Azure applications for HTTP(S), TLS, FTP, and TFTP services.
The firewall engine can't evaluate the traffic on the first packet, because it needs to confirm the user identity, Azure applications, and services for the flow. After the engine finishes the evaluation and the flow meets all the criteria, then the engine allows the flow. The PoP also applies the routing decision based on the first packet.
The URL filtering service works by analyzing the URL of a website and comparing it against a database of known or suspected malicious or inappropriate websites. This service may also analyze the content of the website itself to determine its categories, such as adult content, gambling, social networking, or streaming media.
For more about categories, see Working with Categories.
The TLS Inspection engine is involved during the tls_handshake phase of the packet flow. The decision whether or not to inspect the flow is irreversible and takes place in two stages:
Stage 1 - The first payload of the client_hello packet gives an initial indication if the TLS Inspection engine will inspect this traffic flow
Stage 2 - The client_hello is fully parsed, and the TLS Inspection policy action is applied (inspect or bypass the flow)
For HTTPS flows, it's possible that there is a decision to block the packet based on stage 1. However, the engine continues to communicate and establish a TLS connection to present the correct firewall or IPS block page to the end user.
The IPS engine continues to run during the lifetime of the traffic flow. It inspects specific items that are available at different stages, and acts on content that positively matches an IPS protection. You can think of IPS as acting like a magnifying glass, constantly waiting for updates from traffic and continuously providing information to the engine that was seen on the flow.
The following example shows different information that is available at different stages of the flow:
The protocol for the flow is HTTP
Based on the payload, there is TLS
There is a client_hello that uses TLS 1.3 cipher suite TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
Different IPS protections could match any of the above items and then take action on the traffic flow at that phase.
DNS Protection is part of the IPS engine and runs on the DNS flow for the request and response (without any connection to the transport, for example TCP or UDP).
During the DNS request, the domain name is analyzed and evaluated for domain reputation and static feeds. Then during the DNS response, the resolved IP and the content are analyzed for potentially malicious content. The DNS Protection policy is applied to any matching content (block or allow the traffic flow).
The App Control engine inspects traffic and applies the actions for the Application Control policy, and it is evaluated on each new HTTP transaction (request and response).
For gen2 apps, TLS and HTTP proxy are required to complete the app identification.
For rules that include security and compliance requirements:
Based on contextual data from other networking and security engines, the App Control engine can evaluate these requirements during the tls_inspection phase
It's also possible that the engine can get this information from the SNI, and doesn't require TLS or full App identification (layer 7 DPI) to evaluate the app
The DLP engine inspects the content of the traffic flow and is an extension of the App Control engine. When the policy specifies a file type or file size, then the engine needs to inspect the app metadata and payload for these file characteristics:
The engine evaluates the file type and checks to see if it matches the supported list of files for content inspection.
Then the gen3 app identification is finalized to identify the specific content signatures for the fields that store the content and data that is inspected.
The content is inspected and checked to see if it matches the defined content profile.
The Anti-Malware and SentinelOne NG Anti-Malware engines scan file attachments on inbound traffic (downloading files) for known and unknown malware. The file_type is based on the HTTP response, or the request for FTP traffic.
Only HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP applications and services are scanned.
The engine checks to see if the application matches a rule in the Anti-Malware policy.
The file is matched against these lists of files:
The Allowlist configured in the Cato Management Application - these files are allowed to download.
The blocklist managed by the Cato Security team - these files are blocked.
The files are scanned by the Anti-Malware and NG Anti-Malware engines, and the verdict is returned: malicious, suspicious, or benign.
The appropriate action for the Anti-Malware policy is applied to the file.
Does URL Filtering apply to WAN traffic?
No, URL Filtering is only for Internet traffic and is not applied to account traffic over the WAN.
What is the difference between Geo-Restriction settings for firewall vs IPS policies?
The Device setting in the WAN and Internet firewalls lets you define the source country for the granular rules. However, there is no control over the destination country.
The Geo Restriction tab in the IPS policy defines restricted traffic that is either the source or the destination. However, IPS is a global policy for the entire account, and you can't apply the geo-restriction settings for specific sites or objects.
Timeline - First packet
Available fields - 5-tuple, hostname (dname)
Cato engine - Firewall, Network, IPS/SAM
Traffic flow data - App identification, Client Class, OS
Timeline - tls_handshake
Available fields - cipher_suite, hostname (SNI)
Cato engine - IPS/SAM, App Control gen2, TLSi, Firewall, Network
Traffic flow data - App identification, Client Class, URLF
Timeline - HTTP_headers
Available fields - headers, URL, hostname (host header)
Cato engine - App Control gen3, IPS/SAM
Traffic flow data - File_type (upload), OS
Timeline - HTTP_body
Available fields - HTTP_request, HTTP_body
Cato engine - App Control gen3, DLP, IPS/SAM
Traffic flow data - File_type (upload), App identification
Timeline - HTTP_response
Available fields - HTTP_response_headers, HTTP_response_body
Cato engine - AM/NGAM, App Control gen3, DLP, IPS/SAM
Traffic flow data - File_type (download), App identification
is the ng antimalware using sentinel one's LLM
glenn Zhu Yi chong Yes, Cato uses the SentinelOne engine for the Next Gen (NG) Anti-Malware. For more information, see What is the Cato Anti-Malware Policy?
Q1: How does Cato recognize the hostname (dname) in the first packet? I'm assuming when you say hostname (dname), you're talking about the fqdn of the destination, right? I'm seeing curious behavior which I think is an issue with the first packet (that's why i'm posting) where some hosts don't register an app, category or domain name, but it does register a client class and OS in the internet firewall events.
Q2: When,where or how does Cato identify the dname of the traffic, and how does that work when the FQDN is behind AWS load balancers (FQDN is an alias to the AWS hostname if you run nslookup)? I'm using Cato DNS so all my hosts check into my DNS servers which has the Cato DNS address ( as a forwarder but somehow in the pcaps i took on the socket, there is no dname events in the traffic. Thanks!!
Hi Phil,
Please see the answers, below:
I hope that answers your questions
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