Using the Devices Page

This article discusses how to use the Devices page to keep track of the devices connected to your network.

Overview of the Devices Page

The Device page is a single dashboard that provides visibility for all devices that have connected to the network. The page shows a wealth of data about IT, IoT, and OT devices, all of which are classified into granular categories. With the advanced filtering options, you can filter for specific criteria and show all the devices that match the criteria. For example, you can show all IP cameras on the network, and check their operating system versions. For more information, see What is Device Inventory?.

The page includes widgets that show information such as:

  • Devices by Site

  • The number of devices by the following criteria:

    • Operating System

    • General device Category, such as: Server, IoT, Mobile

    • Specific Device Type, such as: Workstation, Printer, Network Appliance, Mobile Phone, etc.

    • Manufacturer

Getting Started with Devices Page

Use the time range filter to determine the time window for the device data shown on the page. For more information, see Setting the Time Range Filter.


To show the Device Page:

  • From the navigation menu, click Resources > Devices.

Grouping the Devices

To help you analyze the devices on your network, you can show the devices in groups defined by details including Site, User, Manufacturer, Type, and more. For example, you can show together all of the devices related to a specific site, or all IP cameras on the network.

To group the devices in the Devices page:

  1. From the navigation menu, click Resources > Devices.

  2. From the Group By drop-down menu, select the required option.

    The devices are shown in expandable groups.

Supported Devices and Known Limitations

  • Devices that communicate only over LAN traffic (for example, only behind a Socket) can't be detected and won't appear in the Devices page

  • For devices to be correctly detected, they must communicate with identifiers in one of the following protocols: DHCP, HTTP, MAC, TCP/IP, FTP. Devices that use other protocols are not fully supported, however they might still appear in the Devices page with limited data. For example, a device might be identified as a generic Windows device instead of an IoT device

  • A device that didn't communicate for 3 days in WANbound or outbound traffic won't appear in the Devices page. For example, if a user took home a mobile device and didn't use it for 3 days

  • Occasionally, the same device might appear more than once on the page, under different Device IDs. This can happen if the device connects to the network with multiple IP addresses within a 24 hour period

  • Occasionally, different devices might appear under the same entry and Device ID. This can happen, for example, if a mobile device and workstation connect using the same IP address within a 24 hour period. When this occurs, the entry might contain conflicting or inaccurate data

Best Practices for Detection Accuracy

For optimal device detection, accuracy, classification, and granular data, we recommend the following practices:

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  • Comment author
    Richard Amery

    Device Inventory not displayed in the navigation menu

  • Comment author
    Donna Taylor

    It's not showing up for me either.

  • Comment author
    Richard Amery

    This is now showing

  • Comment author
    Jonathan Rabinowitz

    Richard Amery  Donna Taylor  Cato follows standard industry best practices for cloud-based services and gradually rolls out new features over a two week period. A feature announced on Sunday may take a few days before it is activated for a specific account.
    For more information, see Understanding Cato's Gradual Rollout

  • Comment author
    Gordon Sandlin

    It just now appeared under Assets in my portal.

    Thus far, the only network gear detected is a couple of Meraki AP's I am testing - all the Aironet APs have yet to be discovered  (will be digging into that).

  • Comment author
    Steve Shirvani

    it just showed up in our portal & is a great thing to have but unfortunately, it seems to be a paid feature which doesn't make sense for being such a basic functionality. especially since the agents are already reporting it from devices!

  • Comment author
    Jonathan Rabinowitz

    Steve Shirvani 

    Thanks for your interest!

    The Device Inventory is  available to all Cato customers as a free trial.

  • Comment author
    Jonathan Rabinowitz

    Gordon Sandlin  Thanks for your comment!

     Please review the above section Supported Devices and Known Limitations - it could be, for example, that some devices haven't communicated recently and aren't visible yet, or use protocols that aren't fully supported.


  • Comment author
    Steve Shirvani

    Jonathan Rabinowitz thanks for confirming but still not sure why it'd be a paid feature


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