These are the power consumption details and electrical specifications for the X1700 and X1700B Socket models.
The Socket shall supply the full output power, as long the power supply module is operating within specifications. The table below shows the rated output power for each input voltage range:
The maximum input current defines the maximum possible output current, to ensure the proper function of the Socket to meet all defined specifications. The following table shows the maximum input current:
The power supply module inserted to the Socket shall incorporate one input fuse on the line side for input overcurrent protection to prevent damage to the power supply and Socket, to meet product safety requirements.
Fuses should be slow blow type or equivalent to prevent nuisance trips. AC inrush current shall not cause the AC line fuse to blow under any conditions. All protection circuits in the power supply shall not cause the AC fuse to blow unless a component in the power supply has failed. This includes DC output load short conditions.
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