Priority 1 Issues and Cato Support

This article outlines the process for handling Priority 1 (P1) issues when working with Cato Support. P1 issues are best handled with a call to one of Cato Support’s phone numbers to receive immediate assistance.

Definition of P1 Issues

P1 issues are characterized by the following criteria:

  • The customer has designated the issue as an "Urgent" priority and declared it as P1.
  • The issue causes a major business outage or disruption, impacting critical sites, multiple sites, multiple VPN users, or critical applications.
  • The customer is available 24/7 for collaboration with Cato Support or can provide a contact who is available at any time during the troubleshooting stage.
  • All vendors involved can continue to troubleshoot the issue as needed.

Any change in these criteria will result in the re-evaluation of the issue as a P1. To ensure the validity of this designation, an Audit Trail of the customer's account is verified to confirm that no changes were made by the customer in recent hours.

Goals for Handling P1 Issues

The initial Support Engineer must gather information about the issue to create a P1 notification to all available Cato Support Engineers that a customer needs urgent P1 assistance. They may not start troubleshooting your issue immediately to complete the following steps:

  • Collect information about the scope of the issue.
  • Investigate any recent changes to the environment.
  • Create notifications to all available engineers containing any relevant data collected.
  • Work with teams internally in allocating resources for the call.
  • Join a bridge session with all relevant parties.

The Cato Support’s goal is to join a bridge call to quickly mitigate the impact on the business. During a P1 issue, Support Leadership will be notified by the assigned Support Engineer.

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