Using the Experience Monitoring Page

This article explains how to use the Experience Monitoring page to monitor performance and user experience in your network.

Overview of Experience Monitoring

Traffic and performance of applications can be related to factors outside of the Cato Cloud. Experience monitoring provides insight into user, application, and site experience, proactively monitoring performance and pinpointing issues. From the Experience Monitoring page, you can view a summary of a user's experience for application usage across your network from the account or site levels. You can further drill-down to see the experience for specific sites, applications, or remote and office workers. You can use the filters and widgets to help you see the data to troubleshoot the cause of poor performance.

The Experience Monitoring page displays data from traffic that flows through the Cato Cloud. Traffic that is not from either a site or Client is not displayed. For more information about Experience Monitoring, see What is Cato Experience Monitoring.


Note: Application performance metrics are only calculated for TCP traffic.

Getting Started with Experience Monitoring

The Experience Monitoring page displays the average experience score for all an account. You can further breakdown the score by site, remote and office users, users and hosts, and applications.

When clicking on any of the tabs on the page, you have a list of sites, users, or applications that you can click on to get more information about the experience of those specific entities. For example, if a user is complaining about a poor experience, you can filter by that user's name or click on the Remote User tab to locate them. Once you click on their name, you can see more high-level information in the Connection Details nodes, and click on the different tabs to see if there is a problem on their computer, Wi-Fi connection, or one of the applications they're using.


To view the Experience Monitoring page:

  • From the navigation menu, click Monitoring > Experience Monitoring.

    The following table explains the data and analytics available from the Experience Monitoring page.



Filter Bar

The filters are applied to the page. Selected filters apply to all widgets on the page.

A filter for Sanctioned Applications is applied by default.

Time Range

The time range applied to the page. The maximum time range is three months.

Account Experience Score

The average experience score for all applications and the number of applications in each experience category (Good/Fair/Poor).

This is score is based on these application performance metrics:

  • Time to First byte

  • TCP Connect

  • TLS Connect

  • HTTP Latency

  • HTTP/S error

Every application has different learnt thresholds by Cato AI.

Experience Type Tabs

Each tab shows the analytics and data for that entity in your network: Sites, Remote Users, Office Users, Users/Hosts, and Applications.

Experience Data

Each tab displays data for the selected entity. You can click on items in this table to view more data.

Filtering the Experience Monitoring Page

There are two ways to filter the data in the Experience Monitoring page:

  1. Automatically update the filter with the selected item

  2. Manually configure the filter

    When you manually create a filter or add an item to the update filter, the data and analytics on the Experience Monitoring page is automatically updated. The Experience Monitoring page is typically up-to-date within a 5 minutes time frame. However, it is possible that some data will be delayed up to 30 minutes.

Automatically Filtering for an Item

As you hover over an item or field where a filter option is available, the menu icon appears (filter_icon.png). Click the icon to either add or exclude the item to the filter. The Experience Monitoring page now only shows data that includes the filtered item. For example, if you filter for the Microsoft Word application, the page only shows analytics and data that are related to using the Microsoft Word application. No other application data is displayed until you change or clear the filter.

You can add multiple items to the filter.

Manually Configuring the Filter

You can manually configure the event filter for greater granularity to analyze the events. After you configure the filter, it is added to the events filter bar and the screen is automatically updated to show the events that match the new filter.

You can filter by any of the Field values.

To create a filter:

  1. In the filter bar, click the plus button.

  2. Start typing or select the Field.

  3. Select the Operator, which determines the relationship between the Field and the Value you are searching for.

  4. Select the Value.

  5. Click Add Filter.

    The filter is added to the filter bar and the Experience Monitoring page is updated to show results based on the filters.

Clearing the Filter

You can remove each item in the filter separately, or clear the entire filter.

To clear the filters:

  1. To clear a single filter, click the X button next to the filter.

  2. To clear all the filters, at the end of the filter bar, click the X button.

Reviewing Analytics

You can review detailed analytics for each site, remote or office user, user/host, or application used in your network. This provides you with granular data to monitor the experience across your network.

A User is a user logged in to a device with the Cato Client installed on it and connecting as follows:

  • Remote User - connecting remotely (not from behind a site)

  • Site User - connecting from behind a site

A Site host is a device that is connecting to the network without the Client located behind a site, for example an IoT device or printer.

To drill down into an item, click on any of the tabs and then click on an item. A new page opens, click back to return to the Experience Monitoring page.

Understanding Site Experience Monitoring

To drill down into the data from a specific site, in the experience data, on the Site tab, click the site you want to analyze. The initial view provides information about the site such as its current connection and HA status, the PoP it's connected to, and how many hosts are currently connected through the site.

In addition, the Connection Details can provide you with an instant understanding of how the different nodes in the site are functioning, and give you a visual indication if there is a problem anywhere in the connection. For example, if the Last Mile node is yellow, you can click to see the widgets for the Last Mile connection to see if there are any issues.

For a full list of the available widgets, see Understanding the Experience Monitoring Widgets.





Name of the site defined in the Cato Management Application (CMA).

Current Status

Status of the site's connection to the Cato Cloud.

HA Status

For sites with Socket high availability (HA), status of the HA configuration (Shows N/A if HA is not configured for the site).


For Socket HA, the Socket that is actively sending/receiving traffic.


The Socket model deployed at the site.


The ISP for the site.


Cato PoP the site is connected to.


Distance between the site and the Cato Cloud.

# Hosts

Number of hosts in the LAN for this site.

Site Experience Score

The average experience score for all applications and the number of applications in each experience category used at the site.

Understanding User Experience Monitoring

To drill down into the data from a specific user, in the experience data, on the Remote Users or Office Users tabs, click on the user you want to analyze. The initial view provides information about the user such as the site they're connected through, their device name, OS, and internal and external IP addresses.

In addition, the Connection Details can provide you with an instant understanding of how the different nodes in the user's connection experience are functioning, and give you a visual indication if there is a problem anywhere in the connection. For example, if the Device node is yellow, you can click to see the widgets for the Device to see if there are issues with the CPU or memory.

The different tabs on the User Experience page provide more information about the connection through the various widgets. For a full list of the available widgets, see below Understanding the Experience Monitoring Widgets.





Name of the user defined in the CMA.


For Office Users, the site that the user is located behind

Last Connected PoP

Most recent PoP the user is connected to.

Last Connected Device

The most recent device the user connected to the Cato Cloud with.

Last Connected Device OS

The operating system of the device.

Client Version

The version of the Cato Client installed on the device.

Internal IP

The internal IP address of the device.

External IP

The external IP address of the device.

Last ISP

The most recent ISP the device was connected to.

User Experience Score

The average experience score for all applications and the number of applications in each experience category used by the user.

Understanding Users/Host Experience Monitoring

To drill down into the data from a specific host or user, in the experience data, on the User/Hosts tab, click on the item you want to analyze. This tab aggregates all users or your account, regardless if they are remote or in an office, and also shows all the hosts that are behind a site. The initial view provides information such as the internal IP address, the average TTFB, and the number of flows.

In addition, the Connection Details can provide you with an instant understanding of how the different nodes in the connection experience are functioning, and give you a visual indication if there is a problem anywhere in the connection. For example, if the Application node is yellow, you can click to see the widgets for the Application Performance to see if there are issues with the TTFB or latency.

The different tabs on the Host Experience page provide more information about the connection through the various widgets. For a full list of the available widgets, see below Understanding the Experience Monitoring Widgets.


The table below explains the fields for a specific host. For more information about users, see above Understanding User Experience Monitoring.




The name of the host defined in the CMA.


The site that the host is located behind.


The IP address of the host.


The average duration of time between the HTTP request and the receipt of the first byte.


Total upstream and downstream bandwidth usage.

# Flows

Number of flows generated.

Host Experience Score

The average experience score for all applications and the number of applications in each experience category used by the host.

Understanding Application Experience Monitoring

To drill down into the data for a specific application, on the Application tab, click the application you want to analyze. The initial view provides information about what kind of security risk the application poses and to which category it belongs.

In addition, the various tabs provide widgets about the specific application performance and which users and hosts are currently using the application. For a full list of widgets, see below Understanding the Experience Monitoring Widgets.





Name of the application.

Security Risk

Risk score for the application (Cato provides a risk score for each application between 0 (no risk) to 10 (very high risk). The risk score is calculated based on the analysis of millions of data flows.

For more information about applications and your Cato account, see Using the App Catalog.


Cato Category that the application belongs to.

Application Experience Score

The average score and the experience category for the application.

Understanding the Experience Monitoring Widgets

Each of the experience monitoring pages displays different widgets providing more information about various aspects of the connection. The following sections outline which widgets are available for which entities. The Available for column shows which pages the widgets appears on.

Site Monitoring Widgets

When you click a specific site, in addition to the Experience Score and Connection Details, you also have the following tabs, each with its own information:

  • Hosts

  • Last Mile

  • Application Performance

  • Applications

Site > Hosts

The Hosts tab lists all of the users and hosts currently connected through the site. Clicking on one of the items in the list will take you to the Experience Monitoring page of that item.

Site > Last Mile

The Last Mile tab displays the following widgets:

  • Distance - The distance between the site and the Cato Cloud inside the tunnel.

  • Tunnel Age - Total time that the current DTLS tunnel between the Socket and the PoP is connected.

Site > Application Performance

The Application Performance tab displays the following widgets:



Time to First Byte

Duration of time between the HTTP request and the receipt of the first byte.

HTTP/S Latency

Duration of time between the request and the response.

TCP Connect

Time taken to establish a TCP connection.

TLS Connect

Time taken to establish a TLS connection.

HTTP/S Error Rate

Percentage of HTTP errors.

Site > Applications

This tab lists the applications currently being accessed through this site, and provides information about their experience, number of hosts connected, and more.

Remote Users and Office Users Widgets

When you click a specific user, in addition to the Experience Score and Connection Details, you also have the following tabs, each with its own information:

  • Device Hardware

  • Wi-Fi

  • LAN Gateway

  • Last Mile

  • Application Performance

  • Applications

Remote and Office Users > Device Hardware

The Device Hardware tab provides information about the user's computer. It includes:

  • CPU - indicates the percentage of CPU being used

  • Memory - indicates the amount of memory being used

Remote and Office Users > Wi-Fi

The Wi-Fi tab displays information about the Wi-Fi signal strength.

Remote and Office Users > LAN Gateway

The LAN Gateway tab displays the following widgets:

  • Packet Loss - Percentage of packets lost inside the LAN gateway

  • Distance - Distance between the site and the Cato Cloud inside the tunnel.

Remote and Office Users > Last Mile

The Last Mile tab displays the following widgets:

  • Packet Loss Upstream - Percentage of packets that were lost over the last mile inside the tunnel for upstream traffic.

  • Packet Loss Downstream - Percentage of packets that were lost over the last mile inside the tunnel for downstream traffic.

  • Distance - Distance between the site and the Cato Cloud inside the tunnel.

  • Tunnel Age - Total time that the current DTLS tunnel between the Socket and the PoP is connected.

Remote and Office Users > Application Performance

The Application Performance tab is divided into 3 sections of widgets.

Real User Metrics



Time to First Byte

Duration of time between the HTTP request and the receipt of the first byte.

HTTP/S Latency

Duration of time between the request and the response.

TCP Connect

Time taken to establish a TCP connection.

TLS Connect

Time taken to establish a TLS connection.

HTTP/S Error Rate

Percentage of HTTP errors.

Internet Applications Synthetic Probes via Cato Tunnel



Packet Loss

Percentage of packets that were lost over the last mile of simulated network traffic to Internet applications over the Cato Cloud.


Distance between the site and the Cato Cloud for the last mile of simulated network traffic to Internet applications over the Cato Cloud.

WAN Applications Synthetic Probes via Cato Tunnel



Packet Loss

Percentage of packets that were lost over the last mile of simulated network traffic to WAN applications over the Cato Cloud.


Distance between the site and the Cato Cloud for the last mile of simulated network traffic to WAN applications over the Cato Cloud.

Remote and Office Users > Applications

This tab lists the applications currently being accessed by the remote or office user, and provides information about their experience, number of hosts connected, and more.

Hosts Widgets

When you click a specific host, in addition to the Experience Score and Connection Details, you also have the following tabs, each with its own information:

  • Last Mile

  • Application Performance

  • Applications

Hosts > Last Mile

The Last Mile tab displays the all following widgets for Socket sites. Other site types only show the data that they are able to collect, ie. IPsec sites only show Distance and Tunnel Age.



Available for

Packet Loss Upstream

Percentage of packets that were lost over the last mile inside the tunnel for upstream traffic.

Site, User, and Host Monitoring

Packet Loss Downstream

Percentage of packets that were lost over the last mile inside the tunnel for downstream traffic.

Site, User, and Host Monitoring

Discard Packets Upstream

Percentage of packets that were received but not processed for upstream traffic.

Site and Host Monitoring

Discarded Packets Downstream

Percentage of packets that were received but not processed for downstream traffic.

Site and Host Monitoring


Distance between the site and the Cato Cloud inside the tunnel.

Site, User, and Host Monitoring

Tunnel Age

Total time that the current DTLS tunnel between the Socket and the PoP is connected.

Site, User, and Host Monitoring

Jitter Upstream

Difference in time delay in milliseconds (ms) between upstream data packets.

Site and Host Monitoring

Jitter Downstream

Difference in time delay in milliseconds (ms) between downstream data packets.

Site and Host Monitoring

Hosts > Application Performance

The Application Performance tab is divided into 3 sections of widgets.

Real User Metrics



Time to First Byte

Duration of time between the HTTP request and the receipt of the first byte.

HTTP/S Latency

Duration of time between the request and the response.

TCP Connect

Time taken to establish a TCP connection.

TLS Connect

Time taken to establish a TLS connection.

HTTP/S Error Rate

Percentage of HTTP errors.

Internet Applications Synthetic Probes via Cato Tunnel



Packet Loss

Percentage of packets that were lost over the last mile of simulated network traffic to Internet applications over the Cato Cloud.


Distance between the site and the Cato Cloud for the last mile of simulated network traffic to Internet applications over the Cato Cloud.

WAN Applications Synthetic Probes via Cato Tunnel



Packet Loss

Percentage of packets that were lost over the last mile of simulated network traffic to WAN applications over the Cato Cloud.


Distance between the site and the Cato Cloud for the last mile of simulated network traffic to WAN applications over the Cato Cloud.

Hosts > Applications

This tab lists the applications currently being accessed by this host, and provides information about their experience, number of hosts connected, and more.

Applications Widgets

When you click a specific application, in addition to the Application Score, you also have the following tabs, each with its own information:

  • Application Performance

  • Users/Hosts

Applications > Application Performance

The Application Performance tab displays the following widgets:



Time to First Byte

Duration of time between the HTTP request and the receipt of the first byte.

HTTP/S Latency

Duration of time between the request and the response.

TCP Connect

Time taken to establish a TCP connection.

TLS Connect

Time taken to establish a TLS connection.

HTTP/S Error Rate

Percentage of HTTP errors.

Applications > Users/Hosts

The Users/Hosts tab displays a list of users or hosts currently working with the selected application. In addition to usage statistics, connection information such as the country from which they're connecting and through which PoP, you can also click on a user or host, which will take you to the Experience Pages for that entity.

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