This article explains how to create Exact Data Matching (EDM) custom data types to identify specific sensitive data for the DLP policy.
For more about custom data types for DLP, see Working with Custom Data Types for DLP.
Note: Please contact or your official Cato reseller for more information about using EDM profiles.
Exact Data Matching (EDM) for DLP finds specific sensitive data values that are important to the organization, rather than matching general data patterns. For example, instead of blocking transfer of all credit card data, you can block a specific set of data containing your customers' credit card information. By using EDM to tailor your DLP policies, you can significantly reduce false positives and increase admin productivity.
To implement Exact Data Matching in your DLP policy, import a structured data set of the specific sensitive data, and use it to create an EDM profile. Then you can configure a DLP rule for the profile, and block only that specific data. This is an example workflow for blocking a specific set of data using an EDM profile:
Create a CSV or similar file type (such as TSV or PSV) containing the required data set.
In the Cato Management Application, import the CSV file and create an EDM profile based on the data in the file.
Configure a Data Control rule for the EDM profile.
When you create an EDM profile, you can select up to two columns of the imported data file to include in the profile. When you select two columns, there is an AND relationship between them and the DLP engine returns a match only when both data values are detected. For example, if you select the Employee Name column and the Salary column in a data set, the DLP engine will only return a match for content containing both a matching name value and its relevant salary value.
For EDM profiles that include two data columns, you configure one column as Primary and the other as Secondary. This defines the order in which the DLP engine searches for the data. Only if the Primary data is matched, the DLP engine continues and looks for the Secondary data.
Since EDM is designed for identifying specific data, Primary data can't contain many occurrences of the same value. A data column that contains a value that occurs more than 3 times can't be defined as Primary.
For each data column you include in the EDM profile, you define an existing general DLP data type that matches the data in the column. When the DLP engine scans content to match the EDM profile data, it first tries to match the content with the existing data type, and only if there's a match it continues to check for the specific data in the profile. For example, the engine first matches for a general credit card data pattern, and then looks for specific credit card numbers. This ensures greater efficiency for EDM data scans.
When you import data sets for EDM profiles, all data is hashed by the user's browser before it is uploaded to the Cato Cloud. When the DLP engine compares the hashed data with content and looks for a match, it first hashes the content using the same algorithm. This method lets the DLP engine identify matches with EDM profiles without uploading or storing any clear text data.
EDM for DLP supports imported data set files that meet the following requirements:
Files must be one of the following formats: CSV, TSV, PSV, SSV, HSV, TXT
Supported delimiters include the following characters:
Comma (,)
Pipe (|)
Semicolon (;)
Colon (:)
Hyphen (-)
Number sign (#)
Caret (^)
Exclamation point (!)
At sign (@)
Dollar sign ($)
Percent sign (%)
Ampersand (&)
Forward slash (/)
Supported file size is up to 8 MB
This is an example of a data set CSV file that can be used for an EDM profile:
Create a new EDM profile and upload a data set file containing the specific data for content matching. Select up to two columns of data and define the Primary column. For each selected column, define an existing data type that matches the data in the column. This can be a predefined or user-defined data type.
To create an EDM profile:
From the navigation menu, select Security > DLP Profiles, and in the DLP Profiles tab select EDM Profile.
Click New . The Add Exact Data Match Profile panel opens.
Enter the Profile Name and Description.
The Profile Name must be a unique name not used for other EDM profiles or any other custom data types.
Drag and drop or browse to upload a file containing a schema and exact data for the profile. A File Loaded message appears when upload is complete, containing the following information:
Number of data rows detected in the file
The detected delimiter
Select the file columns to include in the profile, you can select up to two columns.
For each selected column configure the following:
Data Type of the data in the column. You can select one predefined or user-defined data type for each column.
Whether the column is Primary. You can define only one column as Primary, the other column is automatically configured as Secondary.
Click Save.
When you implement the policy, or add a new application with the Block action:
Use the Monitor action for the rule.
Review the events that the rule generates and make sure that there are no events for traffic that you want to allow (false positive traffic).
If there is false positive traffic, you can make these changes:
Refine the scope of the rule to exclude the false positive traffic
Create a new allow rule before the block rule, and the scope of the new rule is only for the false positive traffic
Remember that the Application Control policy is an ordered policy, and the final implicit rule is ANY ANY Accept. Add rules to the policy to block the relevant application traffic, activities and criteria.
You can create up to 15 EDM profiles for your account
OCR scanning is not supported for DLP content matching for EDM profiles
The file size limits for content inspection is between 1KB and 20MB. Events for files outside of this limit shows the verdict bypassed due to size.
For some downloads compressed in gzip format, the file size for DLP is calculated based on the compressed file. If the compressed file size is less than 1kb it will not be scanned.
Base64 encoded files are not supported, and the DLP engine can't inspect the content in these files.
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