Generating a TLS Inspection Report

This article describes how to generate a TLS Inspection report that highlights data related to traffic inspected or bypassed by the policy for your account.

Overview of TLS Inspection Policy Reports

Cato provides a Predefined Report template that shows insights into traffic inspected or bypassed by your TLS Inspection policy. This helps you evaluate your TLS Inspection policy and identify significant traffic patterns and potential security risks. The report data is based on events generated by Internet and WAN Firewall rules.

Create the template for the Scheduled or One-Time report with the sites and SDP users that are included in the report over the defined time range. By default, the Predefined Report template for the TLS Inspection Policy report shows traffic and data for all sites and SDP users for the past week.

For more about working with Predefined Reports, see Cato Reports.


Creating a Scheduled TLS Inspection Report

Create a new Scheduled report, and define the Filters for the items included in the report. Then define the Report Schedule which defines how often the report is generated - daily, weekly, or monthly. Generated reports are stored in the Cato Cloud, and they can be automatically emailed or downloaded. The Report Schedule also defines the time range that is covered by each report. The time range starts on 00:00 UTC (inclusive) at the start of each period, and ends on 00:00 UTC (non-inclusive) at the end of the period.

You can select the Mailing List of email addresses for the recipients, the list can include Cato Management Application admins and external users.

For more information about Mailing Lists, see Working with Mailing Lists.

To create a scheduled TLS Inspection report:

  1. From the navigation pane, select Home > Reports.

  2. From the Predefined Reports tab, click New > Scheduled report. The Scheduled Report panel opens.

  3. Enter the Report Name for the Predefined Report.

  4. In Type, select TLS Inspection

  5. (Optional) In Filters, select specific sites or users for the Predefined Report.

    By default, the Predefined Report includes all sites and users.

    To include multiple sites or users in the report, use the IN operator.

  6. In Report Schedule, configure these settings:

    1. Select the Frequency that the report is automatically sent: Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.

    2. For Weekly and Monthly Scheduled reports, in Every select the day that the report is sent.

  7. In Subscriptions, select the Mailing List that receives the report.

    You can click New to create a new mailing list.

  8. Click Save. The report template is added to the Predefined Reports tab.

Manually Generating a Scheduled Report

A new Scheduled report is generated based on the Report Schedule settings. For example, a weekly report configured for Monday, is generated every Monday. You can also choose to manually generate a Predefined Report, and the generated report uses the same time range based on the current day. If an admin manually generates a weekly report on a Tuesday, the time range for the report is the previous 7 days starting from that Tuesday, regardless of the starting day of the Scheduled report.

To manually generate a Scheduled report:

  1. From the navigation pane, select Home > Reports.

  2. From the Predefined Reports tab, find the Scheduled report and click Generate.

  3. From the Generated Reports tab, find the report and click Download.

Creating a One-Time TLS Inspection Report

Create a new One-time report template, and define the Filters for the items included in the report. Then define the Time Range that the report covers.

To create a One-Time TLS Inspection report:

  1. From the navigation pane, select Home > Reports.

  2. From the Predefined Reports tab, click New > One-time report. The One-time report panel opens.

  3. Enter the Report Name for the Predefined Report.

  4. In Type, select TLS Inspection.

  5. (Optional) In Filters, select specific sites or users for the Predefined Report.

    By default, the Predefined Report includes all sites and users.

    To include multiple sites or users in the report, use the IN operator.

  6. Select the Time Range of the report.

    For a Custom range, select the start date (From) and the end date (To) for the Predefined Report.

  7. Click Save. The report template is added to the Predefined Reports tab.

    You can also click Save & Generate, and then the report is generated and you can download it from the Generated Reports tab.

    For more about generating reports, see Cato Reports.

Understanding the TLS Inspection Report

For sections in the report that show the top items, they include up to the top 10 items for that section.

These are the sections in the TLS Inspection Policy report:

  • Inspected Vs. Bypassed by OS: Charts showing the number of events for inspected and bypassed traffic for each operating system, as well as total inspected and bypassed events including all operating systems.

  • Top Applications and Domains by Hits - Outbound: Applications and domains with the most generated events showing Internet-bound traffic was inspected or bypassed

    • Top Inspected Applications: Applications with the most generated events showing the traffic was inspected

    • Top Bypassed Applications: Applications with the most generated events showing the traffic was bypassed

    • Top Inspected Domains: Domains with the most generated events showing the traffic was inspected

    • Top Bypassed Domains: Domains with the most generated events showing the traffic was bypassed

  • Top Applications and Domains by Hits - WANbound: Applications and domains with the most generated events showing WANbound traffic was inspected or bypassed

    • Top Inspected Applications: Applications with the most generated events showing the traffic was inspected

    • Top Bypassed Applications: Applications with the most generated events showing the traffic was bypassed

    • Top Inspected Domains: Domains with the most generated events showing the traffic was inspected

    • Top Bypassed Domains: Domains with the most generated events showing the traffic was bypassed

  • Top Inspected and Bypassed Categories: Cato system categories with the most generated events showing traffic was inspected or bypassed

    • Top Inspected Categories - Outbound: Categories with the most generated events showing Internet-bound traffic was inspected

    • Top Bypassed Categories - Outbound: Categories with the most generated events showing Internet-bound traffic was bypassed

    • Top Inspected Categories - WANbound: Categories with the most generated events showing WANbound traffic was inspected

    • Top Bypassed Categories - WANbound: Categories with the most generated events showing WANbound traffic was bypassed

  • TLS Insights:

    • TLS Certificate Errors: Shows the number of events generated for each type of TLS certificate error

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