FAQ - Limited Availability PoPs

Most Cato PoP locations can be used by customers as a general availability resource. However, Cato may sometimes add new PoP locations on a limited availability basis. This article helps you understand what limited availability PoPs are, how they differ from general availability PoPs, who can use these PoPs, and what to expect during the limited availability phase.

What is a limited availability PoP?

A limited availability PoP is a Cato Cloud PoP location that is either not yet fully operational. or is in early customer trials before being made generally available.

Are there functional differences between limited availability PoPs and general availability PoPs?

Yes. A limited availability PoP may have lower capacity and may support only partial carrier connectivity. In some cases, certain connectivity or security features might not be available until the PoP reaches general availability.

How long does the limited availability period last?

There is no fixed timeline for the limited availability period. A PoP may transition to general availability once it has full capacity and resources.

How will I know when the limited availability period ends?

Cato announces the general availability of PoP locations in the weekly Product Update email (also available here).

Do limited availability PoPs appear in the Cato Status Page?

Yes, the Cato Status Page includes limited availability PoPs and provides status updates and notifications similar to those for general availability pop locations.

Are there notifications about issues with limited availability PoPs?

Yes. The Cato Status Page provides notifications related to any issues with limited availability PoPs.

Who should I contact to request access to a limited availability PoP?

To request access, please contact your local Cato representative.

Do limited availability PoPs appear in the Cato Management Application?

Only customers whose accounts have been specifically enabled for access to a limited availability PoP can view and configure the PoP location for Cato services.

Can my remote users using the Cato Client connect to a limited availability PoP?

Only if the PoP is available for your account. If not, the PoP will reject the connection requests.

Do limited availability PoPs appear in the Cato Status Page?

Yes, Cato status page includes limited availability poP and provides status updates and notification similar to general availability pop locations

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