How to Find DHCP Host Allocation


This article will explain the steps required to view the allocated DHCP host entries in both the Cato Management Application (CMA) and the local Socket WebUI.


Note: Please be aware that the number of DHCP hosts displayed may differ between the Socket WebUI and the CMA.

Showing DHCP Host in the CMA

To view the allocated DHCP addresses and hosts within the CMA:

  1. Verify that a DHCP range is configured for the network range for a site:

    1. From the navigation menu, select Network > Sites, and select the site.

    2. From the navigation menu, select Site Configuration > Networks.

    3. Review the DHCP range configured for the network. The example below shows the range - configured for the Native Range.

  2. From the navigation menu, click Site Monitoring > Known Hosts.

  3. Filter for Hosts in DHCP ranges, the assigned hosts, and their allocated IP addresses are shown.


Socket WebUI

It is also possible to view the DHCP entries on the webpage of the Socket WebUI.

  1. From the Site Configuration > Socket page for the site, open the Socket WebUI.

  2. On the Monitor page, you can see the DHCP Server Entries at the bottom of the page.

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  • Comment author
    James Huval

    My understanding is if we set a specific IP and MAC address in the "Hosts" section of Site Configuration, that will act as a DHCP Reservation/Static entry.

    Does this kill the current lease of host that was auto-assigned an IP by DHCP?

  • Comment author
    Yaakov Simon


    Thanks for your question. If you create a reserved host with a specific IP and MAC address, then the Cato PoPs immediately assign the IP address to this reserved host.

    However, the PoPs don't have a way to update the current host that it can no longer use the IP address that was auto-assigned by the DHCP server. So for this host, you can manually reset the DHCP lease, or wait for it to expire.


  • Comment author
    Ineza Peltyn

    Is there a way I can remove and block a host from future DHCP leases?