Supported Throughput for Cato SDP Clients

The throughput for Cato VPN Clients is based on a variety of factors, including: hardware, software, and geolocation. For example, wired vs. wireless connections, operating systems, shared software, Internet infrastructure, CPUs, and system resources, can significantly impact the Client performance. In addition, the VPN encryption has an overhead of up to 20% of the throughput.

The Cato Client is not capped in most of the world, and Cato guarantees a minimum throughput of 100Mbps. Cato only investigates Support tickets when the throughput is less than 100Mbps.

However, there are a few PoP locations with limited capacity, and Cato caps the maximum throughput of the Client. These are the details of the PoP locations:

  • North America, Europe, Japan, and Singapore: There is no maximum cap, and the throughput is only subject to environmental factors

  • China and Vietnam: The maximum throughput is capped at 20Mbps

  • Other PoP locations: The maximum throughput is capped at 100Mbps

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  • Comment author
    Rocco Cretacci

    This seems outdated to only troubleshoot 100Mbps. Users home networks are now up to 1Gbps. We have users who have 500Mbps at home and are only getting less than 150Mbps when connected to Cato.

  • Comment author
    Ben Hampshire

    we have had the same query.

  • Comment author
    Eric Dyott

    When was this changed? As of Nov/Dec 2024 I was told it was 1000Mbps in China for SDP Clients.