Cato API - AccountSnapshot > Sites > Devices > Interfaces

AccountSnapshot > Sites > Devices > Interfaces

The SiteSnapshot > Sites > Devices >Interfaces fields contains data related to the Socket WAN links for a site.

InterfaceSnapshot Fields

The InterfaceSnapshot fields contains data for the Socket WAN links.

These are the details that the InterfaceDevices field can return for the query:

  • metrics - real-time traffic metrics and data for the WAN links (array with nested queries and fields)
  • connected - shows if the WAN link is connected to the PoP
  • ID - interface ID for the WAN link
  • name - WAN link name in the Cato Management Application
  • physicalport - physical WAN port on the Socket
  • popID - the ID of the PoP that the WAN link is connected to (deprecated - use popName instead)
  • popName - the name of the PoP that the WAN link is connected to
  • previousPopID - the ID of the PoP that the WAN link was connected to before the current one
  • previousPopName - the name of the PoP that the WAN link was connected to before the current one
  • tunnelConnectionReason - reason that the tunnel required a new connection (for example, PoP or Socket restarted)
  • tunnelUptime - number of seconds that the tunnel is connected to a PoP
  • tunnelRemoteIP - IP address of the WAN ISP
  • tunnelRemoteIPInfo - IP address, ISP, and geographical information related to the WAN ISP
  • type - this field is for future use
  • info - data about the WAN link that is configured in the Socket Configuration window for the site

Metrics (InterfaceSnapshot)

The Metrics field shows the traffic analytics for the WAN links. These are the fields of WAN link data that you can see:

  • duration - total amount of time for the Socket data
  • granularity - duration in seconds for a single metrics bucket
  • bytesDownstream - total downstream traffic (from the Cato Cloud to the Socket)
  • bytesUpstream - total upstream traffic (from the Socket to the Cato Cloud)
  • bytesTotal - total traffic for the Socket
  • lostDownstream - number of packets lost for downstream traffic
  • lostDownstreamPcnt - percent of packets lost for downstream traffic
  • lostUpstream - number of packets lost for upstream traffic
  • lostUpstreamPcnt - percent of packets lost for upstream traffic
  • packetsDownstream - total downstream packets
  • packetsUpstream - total upstream packets
  • jitterUptstream - jitter for upstream traffic (difference in time delay in milliseconds (ms) between data packets)
  • jitterDownstream - jitter for downstream traffic (difference in time delay in milliseconds (ms) between data packets)
  • packetsDiscardedDownstream - total packets discarded for downstream traffic
  • packetsDiscardedUpstream - total packets discarded for upstream traffic
  • rtt - round-trip time from the Socket to the Cato Cloud


The ID field shows the ID or name for the for a Socket WAN port.


The connected field is a boolean value that shows if the link has connectivity to the PoP.


The Name field shows the name of the WAN link in the Cato Management Application (Configuration > Sites > Socket Configuration).


The physicalport filed shows the name for the physical WAN port on the Socket, for example WAN1 or WAN2.

popID (deprecated - use popName instead)

The PoPID field shows the ID of the PoP that the WAN link is currently connected to.


The previousPopID field shows the ID of the PoP that the WAN link was connected to before the current one.


The previousPopName field shows the name of the PoP that the WAN link was connected to before the current one.


The tunnelConnectionReason field shows the reason that the tunnel required a new connection (for example, PoP or Socket restarted).


The tunnelUptime field shows the total number of seconds that the tunnel for the WAN link is currently connected to a PoP.


The tunnelRemoteIP field shows the IP address of the PoP that the WAN link is connected to.


The tunnelRemoteIPInfo fields shows data related to the IP address, ISP, and physical location of the PoP that the WAN link is connected to. These are the details for the fields:

  • ip - IP address of the WAN connection to the PoP
  • countryCode - code for the physical location of the PoP (based on IP address geo-location)
  • countryName - country that is the physical location of the PoP (based on IP address geo-location)
  • city - city where the PoP is located (based on IP address geo-location)
  • state - state where the PoP is located (based on IP address geo-location)
  • provider - ISP provider for the last-mile connection between the Cato Cloud and the PoP
  • latitude - latitude of the PoP (based on IP address geo-location)
  • longitude - longitude of the PoP (based on IP address geo-location)


This field is for future use.


The InterfaceInfo field shows the name and bandwidth settings for the Socket port which are configured in the Socket Configuration window for the site. These are the details for the fields:

  • id - the inteface ID for the WAN link
  • name - name of the port
  • upstreamBandwidth - the maximum upstream bandwidth for this link
  • downstreamBandwidth - the maximum downstream bandwidth for this link

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