Submitting a Support Ticket

The Cato Support portal offers a full range of customer support features and helps you open, update and track technical support incidents quickly and conveniently. You can also use this robust Knowledge Base to find technical documents, FAQs, full product guides, product updates and notifications, and more.

You can also watch a video tutorial on submitting a Support Ticket here.

Submitting a Support Ticket

Use the Submit a request form to submit a ticket with our team and provide additional information related to the issue. All this information helps us to quickly classify and investigate the issue and minimizes back-and-forth emails with Support.

Support focuses on break-fix problems related to your account. For non-break fix, such as deployment-related issues, Support will make a best effort to assist.

After you submit the ticket, you can follow up in the Cato portal or with emails.


Note: You must be a Cato Administrator and be configured in CMA to open a ticket

To submit a Support Request in the Knowledge Base.

  1. Log in to the Cato Networks Knowledge Base with your username and password for the Cato Management Application. 

  2. In upper right-hand corner of the window, click Submit a request.

    For the mobile version, press Submit a request:

  3. The Submit a Request window opens.

  4. From the drop-down menu, select the category that best fits for your request. The available fields in this form are shown depending selected category (Configuration & User Interface).

  5. Enter all the necessary details related to the issue. You can cut and paste screenshots and also add attachments to help clearly explain the details related to the issue. Please follow these guidelines when collecting information for a Support ticket.

    Make sure to select an accurate Priority for the ticket (see below).
    The more details that you provide, the more quickly we can allocate resources to investigate and work to resolve the issue.

  6. Click Submit.

Selecting a Priority When Submitting a Ticket

To help you select the correct Priority when submitting a Support ticket, the following table shows examples of each priority.

Priority Description Examples

Display and UI related issues in:

  • Cato Management Application
  • SDP Client
  • Clientless applications
  • SDP Client translation issues
  • Word wrap issues
  • Icon or image display issues
  • Cato Management Application usability issues
  • SDP Client usability issues
  • Granular access issues via Cato Cloud or Application Control policy (CASB)
  • Cato Management Application screens don't load correctly or don't show the correct data
  • SDP clientless application doesn't display correctly
  • SDP Client issues related to Connect on Boot
  • Single user connectivity, security, or access issues
  • Single user Cato Management Application issues
  • Can’t sign in to SDP Client or Cato Management Application
  • User can’t access website or app
  • Client installation issues for individual SDP users
  • Multiple users impacted by connectivity, security, or access issues
  • Single site network connectivity issues
  • Cato Management Application slow or some areas not responding
  • LDAP Directory sync failure
  • SCIM sync issues
  • Some SDP users can’t connect (but others can)
  • Socket upgrade failure
  • Socket HA issues
  • Network outage for multiple sites or a critical site (such as a data center)
  • Ongoing security issues
  • VIP user impacted by connectivity, security, or access issues
  • Cato Management Application not available
  • One or more sites are disconnected from the Cato Cloud
  • All SDP users can’t connect to the network
  • C-level SDP user network problems, security issues, or problems accessing specific application

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