Setting Admin Preferences

This article discusses the preferences for the Cato Management Application that you can select in the Profile panel.

Overview of Admin Preferences

Each admin can customize their preferences for the Cato Management Application, including the localization options, and the layout for the navigation menus.


Changing the Localization Settings

The Cato Management Application uses AI-powered translation to support localization and translate the pages to different languages. Use the Profile panel to change the Language for the menu options and messages.

These are the supported languages:

  • Bengali

  • French

  • Hindi

  • Japanese

  • Korean

  • Mandarin (Simplified) Chinese

  • Portuguese

  • Russian

  • Spanish

Known Limitations for Localization 

  • Content that is provided from external sources is not translated. For example, the app descriptions in the Apps Catalog.

  • Error messages aren't translated

  • New pages and features can take a few weeks before they are localized

Choosing the Light Mode

The Cato Management Application can be displayed in either a light mode (with a white background) or a dark mode (with a black and grey background).

Changing the Homepage

By default, when admins log in to the Cato Management Application, they see the Monitoring > Topology page. Each admin can define a custom homepage that opens when they log in to the Cato Management Application.

Setting the Admin Preferences

Open the Profile panel and set the admin preferences for the Cato Management Application.

The Profile icon in the Cato Management Application generally displays the initials of the user.

To set the admin preferences for the Cato Management Application:

  1. On the Cato Management Application toolbar, click the Profile icon. The panel opens and shows the admin preferences.

  2. In Light Mode, select the light or dark mode theme for pages.
  3. In Language, select the localized language for the Cato Management Application menu options and messages.

  4. To change the homepage:

    1. Navigate to the new homepage.

    2. From the Profile menu, click Set current page as homepage.

  5. You can click My Profile to open the Admin Configuration > General page for the admin.

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  • Comment author
    Yaakov Simon

    Updated for Cato Management Application Language options

  • Comment author
    Lee McKinsey

    Is there a ETA and list of other languages the CMA will support?

  • Comment author
    Yaakov Simon

    Updated for support of CMA for these additional languages:

    • Mandarin (Simplified) Chinese, Hindi, Spanish, French, Bengali, Russian, Portuguese, and Korean
  • Comment author
    Stephen Powell

    Navigation layout should be removed from the article as it is no longer an option for admins. Hopefully they bring this back.

  • Comment author
    Yaakov Simon

    Stephen Powell - thanks for your comment. Correct, as part of an infrastructure update, the Cato Management Application no longer supports changing the navigation layout.

  • Comment author
    Lee McKinsey

    Thank you for the update. 

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