Monitoring a Site with a Snapshot

The Snapshot screen shows data for the connection between the site and the Cato Cloud.

Showing the Snapshot Screen

To show the metrics for a site:

  1. From the navigation menu, click Network > Sites and select the site.

  2. From the navigation menu, click Site Monitoring > Snapshot.

Explanation of the Device Overview fields

This example and the table that follows explain the fields in the Snapshot window:






Snapshot site

Select the site that is showing metrics data


Device Overview

Shows information about the Sockets for the site


Socket data

Shows data about the Socket and ISPs for the Socket


Socket WebUI for Secondary Socket

Remote access to the Socket WebUI for the Secondary Socket

Not shown for IPsec sites


Socket WebUI for Primary Socket

Remote access to the Socket WebUI for the Primary Socket

Not shown for IPsec sites


Link State

Expand this section for data about the LAN links

Not shown for IPsec sites


Recent Connections

Expand this section for historical data about the site connection to the Cato Cloud

Explanation of Snapshot fields

  • Primary and Secondary - Primary or secondary Socket for this site

  • Interface - ISP information for the link

  • Remote IP - IP address of the PoP that the link is connected to

  • PoP - Physical location for the Cato PoP

  • Connected - Amount of time that the site is continuously connected to this PoP

    • Shows the reason that the Socket initiated the connection to this PoP

  • RTT - round trip time between the site and the PoP

Explanation of Link State Fields

The Link State fields show the following data about the Socket links:

  • Primary and Secondary - Primary or secondary Socket for this site

  • Link - port on the Socket

  • Status - shows if the link is Up or Down

  • Media Connected - Yes indicates that the cable is connected to the port

  • Link Speed - Auto-negotiation, or the maximum speed configured for the link in the Socket WebUI

  • Duplex - Auto-negotiation, or the duplex configured for the link in the Socket WebUI

Explanation of Recent Connection Fields

  • Remote IP - IP address of the PoP that the link is connected to

  • From - Link that connected to the PoP

  • PoP - Physical location for the Cato PoP

  • Duration - Amount of time that the site is continuously connected to this PoP

  • Last Update - Amount of time since the Socket received an update from the PoP

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