This article describes these features that help you manage Cato Sockets that are configured for your account:
Use the Cato Management Application Socket page (or Socket WebUI) to manage a Socket from one site, and then reassign it to a different one
Changing the Socket password from the Socket WebUI
Understanding Socket WebUI Certificates
Using the Socket reset button to:
Reset the Socket password
Unassign the Socket from the site
You can use the Socket screen to manage your Sockets for a site, and it shows a detailed overview of each Socket's ports and their state. You can also enable and disable ports.
it is possible to assign and unassign Sockets for a site via this page. After you unassign a Socket, it is automatically reset to factory default settings. When you assign a Socket to a site, the Cato Management Application pushes the settings to the Socket and overwrites any manual configurations.
To unassign a Socket from a site:
From the navigation menu, click Network > Sites, and select the site with the Socket you are unassigning.
From the navigation menu, click Site Configuration > Socket.
From the Actions menu of the site you are unassigning, select Unassign.
A warning window opens.
Click OK.
The Socket is unassigned from the site. The account receives a new Notification to activate a new Socket.
To assign a socket to a site:
Click the notification icon
In the Notifications panel, click Activate New Socket.
The message shows the serial number (S/N) for each available Socket.
Click Accept.
The Assign Socket to a Site window opens.
From the drop-down menu select the site for the Socket.
Note: If No Results appears in the window, click Cancel and make sure you selected the right Socket type in the Connection Type field for the site.
Click Continue.
The Socket is added to the site.
In some scenarios, switching the HA roles assigned to your Sockets might be necessary. For example, if your secondary Socket has better throughput than the primary.
Note: Cato recommends manually switching the HA role during a maintenance window or during off-hours as this process will have some minimal downtime.
Socket WebUI certificates have a TTL (Time to Live) of 300 days. When a Socket is started, rebooted, or upgraded, Cato checks when the Socket WebUI’s certificate is due to expire. If the certificate is set to expire within 90 days, a new certificate is generated. Meaning, if you have not upgraded or rebooted your Socket in the last 210 days, you will be issued a new certificate.
Therefore if you wish to update the certificate outside of the account upgrade window, reboot the Socket. Take into account that rebooting the Socket will cause some temporary downtime of your network, while the Socket reboots and reconnects to the PoP.
Note: In a HA pair, if you wish to reboot the Sockets, Cato recommends rebooting the Secondary socket first, and then rebooting the Primary. This would mean that on failover to the Secondary, it will be updated with the new certificate, while the Primary updates with the new certificate.
There are some situations where after using the Cato Management Application to unassign a Socket, you can't then assign the same Socket to a different site. For example, if the Socket was disconnected from the Cato Cloud before clicking Unassign. In this case, use the Socket WebUI to unassign the Socket and reset the Socket settings, and then you can use the Cato Management Application to assign it to a different site. The Socket remains at the same hardware version.
Only use the Socket WebUI to unassign a Socket after performing the unassign procedure in the Cato Management Application (see above).
Supported from Socket v15 and higher.
To use the Socket WebUI to unassign a Socket:
Log in to the Socket WebUI locally, see Accessing the Socket WebUI.
From the Administrations tab, click Unassign.
You can change the password for the Socket from the Socket WebUI.
The password policy for Cato Sockets is that you must change the password every 90 days. After 90 days, the password expires and the login window for the Socket WebUI prompts you to authenticate and enter a new password. The new password can't be the same as the previous three passwords.
To change the Socket password from the Socket WebUI:
From the navigation menu, click Network > Sites and select the site.
From the navigation menu, click Site Configuration > Socket.
From the Actions menu of the socket, select Socket WebUI.
The browser opens a new tab and logs in to the Socket WebUI.
From the menu bar, select Administration.
In the Administrator Password section, enter the current and new password.
Click Confirm. The Socket password is changed.
You can use the Socket reset button to perform these actions on the physical Socket:
Reset the admin password to the factory default password (admin), which has no impact on the network traffic
Reset the Socket to the default settings
After physically resetting a Socket, if you want to re-assign it to a different site, unassign the Socket from the original site (see above Managing Cato Sockets for a Site).
You must have physical access to the Socket to perform these reset actions. Make sure to press and hold the reset button for the reset actions, instead of repeatedly pressing the button.
Note: You need to use a paper clip and push the button inside the hole for the relevant Socket model. For more information about identifying the correct Socket model see, Overview of Reimaging Cato Sockets.
To reset the admin password on the Socket:
X1500 and X1500B Socket models - Press and hold the F/D button for about 10 seconds. The password is reset to the default value: admin.
X1600 and X1600 LTE Socket models - Press and hold the Reset/FD button for about 10 seconds. The password is reset to the default value: admin.
X1700 Socket models - Press and hold the FD button for about 10 seconds. The password is reset to the default value: admin.
X1700B Socket models - Press and hold the Reset/FD button for about 10 seconds. The password is reset to the default value: admin.
To reset the Socket to the default settings
Note: The following should be used only if the Cato tunnel is unavailable and you can't access the Cato Management Application.
X1500 and X1500B Socket models - Press and hold the reset button for about 30 - 35 seconds. The Socket is reset to the default settings and the configurations are erased. To unassign the Socket from a site, see above Managing Cato Sockets for a Site.
X1600 and X1600 LTE Socket models - Press and hold the Reset/FD button for about 30 - 35 seconds. The Socket is reset to the default settings and the configurations are erased. To unassign the Socket from a site, see above Managing Cato Sockets for a Site.
X1700 Socket models - Press and hold the FD button for about 30 - 35 seconds. The Socket is reset to the default settings and the configurations are erased. To unassign the Socket from a site, see above Managing Cato Sockets for a Site.
Pressing the Reset button powers on and off the Socket.
X1700B Socket models - Press and hold the Reset/FD button for about 30 - 35 seconds. The Socket is reset to the default settings and the configurations are erased. To unassign the Socket from a site, see above Managing Cato Sockets for a Site.
Traceroute is used to identify the routers (hops) between a source and destination. Traceroute works by first sending a packet to the destination IP with a time-to-live (TTL) value of 1. When the packet hits the first router in the path, the router decrements the TTL by 1. Since the new TTL is 0, the router drops the packet and responds with an ICMP time-to-live exceeded message sourced from its own IP address. Traceroute now has the IP address of the first router in the path, so it sends out another packet with the TTL value of 2 (the original TTL incremented by 1), and the second router in the path responds with a TTL exceeded message.
This process is repeated until the traceroute reaches the destination IP address. There is a timer of 60 seconds to complete the traceroute and a maximum of 20 hops.
Choose the Socket link that you are using to run the traceroute and enter the destination hostname or IP address.
These are the types of Socket links that you can run traceroute:
LAN - The packets are sent using the internal LAN network for the site.
ALT WAN - The packets are sent using the Alt. WAN tunnel over the MPLS network.
WAN via Cato - The packets are sent using a tunnel over the Cato Cloud.
WAN <ISP> directly - The packets are sent using a tunnel over the Internet directly to the ISP. The Cato Cloud is bypassed.
To run traceroute from the Socket link:
From the navigation menu, click Network > Sites and select the site.
From the navigation menu, click Site Configuration > Socket.
From the Actions menu of the socket, select Network Tools. Traceroute is automatically selected.
Under Type, select if the packets are sent through the Cato Cloud or bypass the Cato Cloud.
In Interface, select the link that is sending the packet.
In Destination enter the domain or IP address for the traceroute.
Click Apply.
The window shows the results of the traceroute test.
You can view the status for each port in the Socket page for a site. In addition, you can hover over each port to get more detailed information about the status. For example, if a port is showing a status of Up and Disconnected, you can hover and see if the problem is that the tunnel is down or an IP address has not been allocated.
In addition, you can hover over the Socket Status to see the Socket's uptime. This can help you understand if a Site Down issue is related to power outages.
For detailed information about the Socket status and port statuses, see Working with the Site Preview Pane.
Added section for Unassigning a Socket Using the Socket WebUI
The F/D button on the X1700 also works now, I've tested this out and the admin password was reset.
Ryu Lekranty thanks for the comment.
I updated the section Resetting the Admin Password and Resetting a Socket to include information about the X1700 and X1700B Socket models.
The statement "Press and hold the Reset/FD button for 25 - 45 seconds." is logically meaningless unless there is a way to tell when the pressure may be released. Either just say 45 seconds or add "...until the LEDs are blinking in so-and-so way".
JM - Thanks for the comment, and excellent point.
I updated the article to say about 45 seconds.
Based on discussions with RnD and Support, we changed the time range for resetting the Socket to about 30 - 35 seconds.
This smaller time range is supported for all Socket versions (the larger time range is partially supported).
There is still a flaw in the logic there - how do I know whether I can let go of the button after 30 vs 35 seconds? Also, what does it mean that the «time range is partially supported»?
JM You can let go of the button between 30-35 seconds and then the Socket resets.
All Sockets support the 30-35 second time range, however only some Socket versions support the larger time range (up to 45 seconds)
Right, but in the absence of a timer at hand - what happens if I accidentally hold the button for more than 35 seconds? Or slightly less than 30? How can I tell whether the reset is sucessful?
@JM, for X1500, hold the reset button for 30sec, once you release it, the WAN and LAN leds will go off then you know for sure that the reset has been initiated.
@Cato, if i unassign a socket in CMA, the unassign option in Socket WebUI is not available anymore.
The below note is therefore not correct:
Note: Only unassign the Socket with the Socket WebUI after performing the unassign action using the Cato Management Application (shown above).
Said Abouelouyoune Excellent point! It is only necessary to use the unassign option in the Socket WebUI in specific situations, for example if the Socket was disconnected from the network before an admin clicked Unassign in the Cato Management Application. However, in these situations, you need to first unassign the Socket in the Cato Management Application, and then the Socket WebUI.
I updated the article to make it more clear when you need to use the Socket WebUI to unassign the Socket.
why don't I see my socket on the Sockets Inventory page?
Why wasn't it associated with the account?
Francesco Pilittu Thanks for your comment about a Socket not showing up on the Sockets Inventory page. Please open a Support ticket for more help with this issue.
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