New Cato Knowledge Base Coming Soon:On April 24, 2022, we are introducing a completely new redesign of the Knowledge Base.
On April 24, you may experience some disruption with articles while we are implementing the changes to the production environment
Reminder for End-of-Life of the Legacy Cato Management Application:Starting on April 24, 2022, you will only be able to access thenew Cato Management Application. After this date, the legacy Cato Management Application will be end-of-life and no longer available.Read more.
Cato SDP Client Releases
Windows Client v5.3:We are starting the gradual roll-out for the Windows Client version 5.3. This version includes:
Enhanced Reauthentication Experience:A notification lets users know that the SSO or MFA session will soon expire and allows them to seamlessly reauthenticate.Read more.
For Windows devices with the Intel Killer NICs, Cato recommends that you update to the latest suite. In some tests, this update overcomes the relevant connectivity issues.
Bug fixes:
Computers recover from sleep mode were unable to connect to the Cato Cloud
For Windows Clients with Never-Off enabled and behind a Socket, the user couldn’t use Office Mode to connect
Sometimes the Client didn’t reconnect when moving between different networks, such as cellular to WiFi
After the MFA session expires, the OS browser didn’t open the authentication page
Security Updates
Cato Cloud Updated for BOD 22-01 CISA Security Recommendations:Cato continuously monitors the CISA guidelines and recommendations, including the recently releasedBinding Operational Directive (BOD) 22-01. We completed updating the IPS protections to protect against the network-based threats in the Cato Cloud.Read more about Cato and CISA.
1 comment
Updated the resolved issue for Intel Killer NICs to: In some tests, this update overcomes the relevant connectivity issues.
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