IP Range in Network Rules:The Cato Management Application now supports adding theIP Rangeitem to:
Internet network rule (source)
WAN network rule (source or destination)
Site Pre-Provisioning:You can create and configure all the settings for a site and prepare to connect it to the Cato Cloud before it has a license. Assign the license to the site when you are ready to activate it.Read more.
Available for new sites and existing sites
LAN Monitoring Enhancements:We made the following improvements to LAN Monitoring (Network > Sites > {site name} > Site Configuration > LAN Monitoring)
Monitor up to 50 hosts per site (previously 10 hosts).Read more.
Improved behavior for events and email notifications - when the host is unreachable, only one event is generated (support for email notifications - coming soon)
Manage Email Alerts for SDP Users:Starting on July 31st, 2022, when you disable SDP users in the Cato Management Application, by default they receive an email notification that their SDP user account is disabled. You can now choose to stop sending these alerts for all users.
Enhanced Remote User Data in the Users Screen:The Users screen (Access > Users) also includes context about the remote devices and shows theDeviceoperating system andClient Version.Read more.
Cato SDP Client Releases
macOS Client v5.1:the macOS Client version 5.1 is now available in theCato User Portal. This version includes:
For SSO - Using the external browser to authenticate with the IdP
Improved overall stability and connectivity to the Cato Cloud
Enriched user notifications
Improved connectivity when switching networks
Bug fixes:
Resolved issue where for some SDP users, when the computer leaves sleep mode, required manually disconnecting and then reconnecting the Client
Resolved bugs in the SSO authentication flow
PoP Announcements
Bogota, Colombia:A new Cato PoP will shortly become available in Bogota
Helsinki, Finland:A new Cato PoP is now available in Helsinki
San Jose, Costa Rica:A new Cato PoP is now available in San Jose
Security Updates
IPS Signatures:
Malware CreepyDrive
Malware Lyceum
Malware Clipper
Brute Force Attempt - HTTP Unauthenticated Redirect
Brute Force Attempt - FTP
Brute Force Attempt - SMB Authentication
Brute Force Attempt - WordPress Login
Application Database:
Large update to application definitions in the Cato Cloud:
Added over 100 new SaaS applications
Enhanced over 90 existing applications
Application Control Policy:
Granular Action: Gitlab pull / clone (New)
Granular Action: Gitlab push (New)
Granular Action: Bitbucket push (New)
Granular Action: Bitbucket pull / clone (New)
Granular Action: Github push (New)
Granular Action: Github pull / clone (New)
Granular Action: Quora Login (New)
Granular Action: Quora Post (New)
Granular Action: Trello Upload (New)
Granular Action: Trello Download (New)
Granular Action: Trello Login (creds) (New)
Granular Action: Trello Login (SSO + Third Party) (New)
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