How to Capture Traffic for SDP Client Issues with Wireshark

When collecting PCAPs on your local device for SDP Client-related issues, ensure that you always collect from both the wireless/wired interface AND the tunnel interface. Otherwise, you aren’t capturing all the VPN-related traffic.


PCAPs can be captured using Wireshark.


For Windows machine running WVPN before v5.4  

Running Wireshark and selecting the wireless/wired interface and CatoNetworksVPN tunnel interface -

Step 1: Launch Wireshark and click the Capture Option.


Step 2: Select the wireless and/or wired interface, and the CatoNetworksVPN interface. 


Step 3: Click Start to start capturing traffic on the selected interface.


For Windows machines running WVPN v5.4 and later


*Note: In later versions, the tunnel adapter is called "CatoNetworks"

For MAC machine

Step 1: Open the MVPN and check assigned Cato IP address



Step 2: Launch the terminal and run “ifconfig”. Then check which utun interface was assigned with the Cato IP address



Step 3: Launch wireshark and select wireless and/or wired interface, and the associated utun interface as identified in Step 2.


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1 comment

  • Comment author
    Boon Chon Lim

    hi support, please allow us sometime. do not close ticket.

