Customizing the Cato Client

This article explains how to customize Cato Client with a logo and support details that are consistent with your company.


You can configure the Cato Client so that it matches your company branding and not Cato's.

The Cato Client is branded with Cato's logo on the Home and About screen by default. To promote your branding and enhance the user experience, you can replace the Cato logo with your corporate logo.

Sometimes users experience issues while using the Cato Client. To support troubleshooting you choose to display a Contact Support link and display the contact details of your support team.


  • Changing the logo in the Client is supported from Windows Client v5.6 and higher

  • These are the requirements for the logo file that you upload to the Cato Management Application

    • The maximum file size is 200KB

    • The minimum height of the logo is 40px

    • Supported file types: PNG and SVG

    • The image is transparent

Customizing the Logo on the Client

Upload a file with your corporate logo to the Client Branding screen to define the global setting for your account. All the supported Clients in your organization display the logo.


To customize the logo for the Client:

  1. From the navigation menu, click Account > Client.

  2. In Client Logo box, click the logo to use the OS file window to locate the logo file.

  3. Click Save.

  4. To reset the custom logo and restore the Cato logo, click Delete.png and then click Save.

Understanding the User Experience

After you have uploaded and saved your company logo, it replaces the Cato logo in the Cato Client.


Customizing the Logo for Reseller Accounts

When you customize the logo for a Reseller account, by default all the managed accounts automatically use the customized logo for the Clients in their accounts. Each managed account can choose to override the logo for defined the Reseller account, and use a different logo for the supported Clients in the managed account. After the logo is customized for the managed account, the Reseller account no longer impacts the logo for the managed account. For example, when you reset the custom logo for the Reseller account, the managed account continues to use it's custom logo.

Customizing the Contact Support Details

You can choose to display a link or button, depending on the operating system, to contact support from within the Cato Client. If you display the link or button, you can customize the contact details that are displayed to the user.


To customize the contact support details:

  1. From the navigation menu, click Account > Client.

  2. Check the Show "Contact Support" button in SDP client application checkbox.

  3. In the Contact Support content section, add the contact details of your support team.

  4. Click Save.

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