Installing the Cato Certificate on Windows Devices

When using the Cato SDP Client, we recommend that you install the Cato CA certificate on the device to provide the best security and user experience. In addition, depending on the settings for your organization, the Cato certificate is required to connect to the network.

The Cato certificate is automatically installed on the Windows device when you install the Cato Client. In some situations, it's necessary to manually install the Cato certificate.

The screenshots and instructions below are based on Windows 11, there may be small differences for other versions of Windows.

To install the Cato certificate as a trusted certificate on the Windows device:

  1. Download the Cato certificate from the Client download portal.

  2. Right-click the Cato certificate file and select Install Certificate.

  3. If the Security Warning pop-up window opens, click Open.

    The Windows Certificate Import Wizard opens.

  4. In Store Location, select Current User or Local Machine, and then click Next.

    The Local Machine options requires admin permissions for the device.

  5. In Certificate Store, select Place all certificates in the following store, and click Browse.

  6. In the Select Certificate Store pop up, choose Trusted Root Certification Authorities, click OK and then Next.

  7. In the Completing the Certificate Import Wizard, click Finish.

  8. In the pop-up window, click OK. The Cato certificate is installed on the device.

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