Configuration API - addSocketSite

Overview of addSocketSite

Use the addSocketSite mutation API to create a new Socket site in your account and define the following settings for the site:

  • Name

  • Description

  • Type

  • Connection Type

  • Timezone

  • Country

  • State

  • Address

  • Native Range

The site is created with default bandwidth settings, 25 Mbps Downstream and 25 Mbps Upstream, and is created without a license assigned to it.

For reseller accounts, you can create separate API keys inside each customer account that you are configuring the settings with the Cato API.

Locating the accountId for Your Account

This account ID isn't shown in the Cato Management Application, instead it is the number in the URL for the Cato Management Application. For example, the account ID is 26 for the following URL:!/26/topology.

Enter this ID in the accountId argument for the site creation API, for example:

site(accountId: 26) {
    addSocketSite(input: $addSocketSite) { 

Details for the addSocketSite Arguments

These are the arguments for creating a new Socket site using the Cato configuration API. The arguments are mandatory unless marked as optional:

  • name - Name of the site

  • connectionType - Physical Socket or vSocket for this site

  • siteType - Type of site in your organization, for example Cloud Data Center

  • description - (optional) Description of the site

  • nativeNetworkRange - IP range for native LAN behind the site, in CIDR format

  • siteLocation - Data about the physical location of the site

AddSocketSite name

Define the name of the Socket site you are creating.

AddSocketSite connectionType

The connectionType is an enum argument that defines the type of physical or virtual Socket for the site.

These are the options:

  • SOCKET_X1500 - X1500 or X1500B Socket for a physical site

  • SOCKET_X1600 - X1600 Socket for a physical site
  • SOCKET_X1700 - X1700 or X1700B Socket for a physical site

  • SOCKET_ESX - vSocket for a virtual VMware site

  • SOCKET_AWS - vSocket for a virtual AWS site

  • SOCKET_AZURE - vSocket for a virtual Azure site

AddSocketSite siteType

The siteType is an enum argument that defines the type of site which determines which icon is used for the site in the Monitoring > Topology screen in the Cato Management Application.

These are the options:

AddSocketSite description (Optional)

The description is an optional free-text field to describe the site.

AddSocketSite nativeNetworkRange

Define the IP range for the LAN native range for the site in the nativeNetworkRange argument in the IPSubnet format. The native range uses CIDR for the subnet, and /32 CIDR blocks aren't supported.

AddSocketSite siteLocation

The siteLocation arguments define the following physical details for the site. The countryCode is relevant to the number of site licenses that are available for a specific Region in your account.

You can use the entityLookup API query to retrieve values for these arguments, see Cato API - EntityLookup.

These are the siteLocation arguments:

Sample Postman Script

mutation addSocketSite ($accountId: ID!, $input: AddSocketSiteInput!) {
    site(accountId: $accountId) {
        addSocketSite (input: $input) {

GraphQL Variables

    "accountId": "26",
    "input": {
        "name": "SampleUsSite2",
        "description": "My first API site",
        "siteType": "BRANCH",
        "connectionType": "SOCKET_X1500",
        "nativeNetworkRange": "",
        "siteLocation": {
            "countryCode": "US",
            "timezone": "US/Central",
            "stateCode": "US-AL"

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