Configuration API - Adding, Updating, and Removing networkRange

This article explains how to use the Cato API to manage network ranges for a site with these commands:

  • addNetworkRange

  • updateNetworkRange

  • removeNetworkRange

Overview of networkRange

Use the networkRange mutation APIs to add, update, and remove network ranges for a Socket site in your account and define the following settings for the site:

  • Network range ID (created automatically for addNetworkRange)

  • LAN Socket interface ID

  • Settings for the network range including: subnet, Local IP or Gateway IP, and VLAN

  • For Azure vSocket HA configurations, the Floating IP address

  • DHCP settings for the network range

For reseller accounts, you can create separate API keys inside each customer account that you are configuring the settings with the Cato API.

Locating the accountId for Your Account

The account ID is shown in the Administration> General Info page.

Enter this ID in the accountId argument for the site creation API, for example:

site(accountId: 26) {
    addSocketSite(input: $addSocketSite) { 

Details for the addNetworkRange and updateNetworkRange Arguments

The same arguments are used for creating or updating a network range for a Socket site using the Cato configuration API. For addNetworkRange, the arguments are mandatory unless marked as optional. For updateNetworkRange, include the arguments for the Socket interface settings that you are updating.

  • networkRangeId - ID for the network range (for updateNetworkRange)

  • lanSocketInterfaceId - ID for the network interface that the network range is associated with (for addNetworkRange)

  • name - Name of the network range

  • rangeType - Type of network range (Routed, Direct, and so on)

  • subnet - Native range for the LAN interface in CIDR format

  • localIP - Local IP address for the LAN network range

  • gateway - For Routed ranges, the next hop IP address for the neighboring router

  • vlan - VLAN ID for the network range

  • azureFloutingIP - For Azure HA configurations, the next hop IP address for the LAN route table

  • dhcpSettings - Defines if this network range uses the default account DHCP settings or customized settings

networkRangeId (for updateNetworkRange)

The networkRangeId can be retrieved using the entityLookup read-only API, use the type with the value siteRange

You can also use the search parameter with the value as the name of the site, and the query filters out ranges from other sites.

lanSocketInterfaceId (for addNetworkRange)

Use the entityLookup API query to retrieve values for the lanSocketInterfaceId arguments, as follows. For more information, see Cato API - EntityLookup.

Use the type with value networkInterface, and the values from these parent fields:

  • id - <site id>

  • name - <name of interface>

See a sample script for the lanSocketInterfaceId below, Sample Postman Script.

networkRange name

The name argument is for the name of the network range.

networkRange rangeType

The rangeType is an enum argument that defines the type of network range.

These are the options:

  • Routed - Network range that connects to a Socket through a route

  • Direct - Network range directly connected to the Socket or firewall (not via a router), but the IP range is different than the site's Native range.

  • VLAN - VLANs that connect to Cato are similar to a trunk port

  • Native - IP range defined for each LAN interface

  • SecondaryNative - For Socket HA configurations, the Native range for the secondary Socket

networkRange subnet

Define the IP range for the network range for the site in the subnet argument in the CIDR IPSubnet format. /31 and /32 CIDR blocks aren't supported.

networkRange localIP

(Mandatory for these ranges: Native, SocendaryNative, Direct, VLAN) Define the local IP address for the LAN network range in the localIP argument.

networkRange gateway

(Mandatory for Routed ranges) Define the Gateway IP address for the LAN network range in the gateway argument.

networkRange vlan

(Mandatory for VLAN ranges) Define the VLAN ID for the LAN network range in the vlan argument.

networkRange azureFloatingIp

(Mandatory for Azure HA Socket configurations) Define the Floating IP for the LAN network range in the azureFloatingIp argument.

networkRange dhcpSettings (optional)

The dhcpSettings is an enum argument that defines the DHCP settings for the network range.

These are the options:

  • dhcpType - Configure one of the following DHCP types for the network range:

    • DHCP_RELAY - The network range uses a DHCP relay configured for the account (defined in the relayGroupId argument)

    • DHCP_RANGE - The network range uses the Cato DHCP server for DHCP, according to the IP range defined in the ipRange argument

    • ACCOUNT_DEFAULT - The network range uses the default DHCP relay defined for the account

    • DHCP_DISABLED - DHCP is disabled for this network range

  • ipRange - For the DHCP_Range option above, define the IP range that the Cato DHCP server can assign to hosts

  • relayGroupId - Enter the ID for the DHCP Relay Group that this network range uses

    For entityLookup, use the type with the value dhcpRelayGroup


Use the removeNetworkRange API to delete a Network Range from a site. You only need to use the networkRangeId with this API.

Sample Postman Script

Sample entityLookup for lanSocketInterfaceID

query entityLookup ($accountID: ID!, $type: EntityType!, $parent: EntityInput!) {
    entityLookup (accountID: $accountID, type: $type, parent: $parent) {
        items {
            entity {

GraphQL Variables for entityLookup for lanSocketInterfaceID

"accountID": "26",    
"type": "networkInterface",    
"parent": {
        "id": 26,
        "type": "site"

Sample Postman Script to Create New VLAN Range

mutation addNetworkRange ($accountId: ID!, $lanSocketInterfaceId: ID!, $input: AddNetworkRangeInput!) {
    site(accountId: $accountId) {
        addNetworkRange (lanSocketInterfaceId: $lanSocketInterfaceId, input: $input) {

GraphQL Variable for New VLAN Range

    "accountId": "26",
    "lanSocketInterfaceId": 26,
    "input": {
        "name": "Guest WIFI",
        "rangeType": "VLAN",
        "subnet": "",
        "localIp": "",
        "vlan": 100

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