Explaining the Event Fields

Explaining the Available Fields




Action that is relevant to the event type, for example:

  • BGP - BGP route ignore, see Event Message below for more information.

  • Firewall - the rule action taken for this event, only rules with track enabled generate events.

    • Allow - the traffic is allowed and an event isn't generated (default behavior)

    • Monitor - the traffic is allowed and an event is generated

  • IPS - for customers using SAM, generated events have the Monitor action

  • Last-Mile Quality sub-type - Link Health Rules generate events with the Alert action

  • QoS - Alert or Clear Alert

  • TLS Inspection - Alert action is generated for cases such as an unknown certificate or untrusted CA

Active Directory name

Name of Active Directory instance

API Key Name

Name defined for the public API Key in the Cato Management Application


Applications that are used in the different policies, for example: Facebook, CNN

Authentication type

Authentication method that is connected to this event, for example: MFA or password


The BGP ASN for the Cato BGP peer (local connection)


The BGP IP address for the Cato BGP peer (local connection)

BGP error code

Error message for the BGP disconnect event

BGP peer ASN

The BGP ASN for the BGP peer (remote connection)

BGP peer description

For BGP events, description of the BGP neighbor from the Cato Management Application

BGP peer IP

The BGP IP address for the BGP peer (remote connection)

BGP route CIDR

The CIDR for the BGP route

BGP suberror code

Error message that is connected to the BGP disconnect event


Default system Cato categories

Cato App

App data related to this traffic flow

Certificate Expiration Date

Expiration date for Client certificate

Client Class

Type of process generating this traffic

Client Version

Version number for the Socket or Cato Client


For SaaS Security API, email addresses of the users that received the file

Configured Host Name

Name configured in the Cato Management Application for a host with a static IP address

Congestion Algorithm

The TCP congestion control algorithm for the traffic in the event. Possible values: CUBIC, NewReno, BBR

Connector Name

For SaaS Security API, name of the connector

Connector Type

For SaaS Security API, SaaS app for the connector


For XDR events, 0 (no risk/impact) to 10 (very high risk/impact)

Custom categories

The Custom Categories for your account (Resources > Categories)

Destination Country

For Internet traffic, IP address based location of the destination server

Destination Country Code

For Internet traffic, the two letter country code where the destination host is located (based on ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)

Destination IP

For Internet traffic, IP address of the destination server

Destination is Site or SDP User

For WAN traffic, destination type: site or SDP user

Destination Port

For Internet traffic, port number for the destination server

Destination Site

For WAN traffic, the name of the destination site or SDP user

Device Categories

General categories that the device related to the event belongs to

Device ID

Unique Cato identifier for the device related to the event

Device Manufacturer

Company that manufactured the device related to the event

Device Model

Name of the model of the device related to the event

Device Name

Name of the host connected to the event

Device OS Type

The operating system on the device related to the event

Device Type

Specific type of device related to the event. It is possible that the Device Type includes multiple different models

Device Posture Profiles

Profiles that matched this event

Directory Host Name

For LDAP events, the host name

Directory IP

For LDAP events, IP address of the Domain Controller

Directory Sync Result

For LDAP events, result of sync with the Domain Controller

Directory Sync Type

LDAP event generated because there was a sync with the Domain Controller

Display Name

The name of the user

DLP Profiles

DLP profiles related to the event

DNS Protection Category

Cato’s DNS Protection type that matched the DNS request

DNS Query

Domain queried in the DNS request

Domain Name

SSL SNI, HTTP host name, DNS name

Egress PoP Name

Name of the PoP the traffic egresses from, as defined in a Network Rule using a NAT or Route via configuration

The field is shown only when traffic egresses from a PoP other than the one the site is connected to

Egress Site

Name of the egress site for backhauling traffic

Event Count

Count for events that are repeated multiple times during one minute

Event Message

Cato's description of the event

For BGP route ignore action:

  • Too Many Routes - Exceeded the maximum number of allowed BGP routes. Any routes after route number 1024 are ignored.

  • Route Collision - The BGP route is ignored because it collided with a BGP range that Cato blocks.

  • Zero Length Route -The default route ( was ignored.

Event Type

Type of event: Connectivity, Security, Routing, System, Sockets Management, or Detection and Response

File Hash

For anti-malware events, hash of the relevant file

File Name

Name of the relevant file

File Size

Size (in bytes) of the relevant file

File Type

File content type (such as Archive or Microsoft Office)

For File Control rules, form_data is a generic representation of data submitted through a web form, commonly used in HTTP requests (e.g., multipart form submissions). It doesn't indicate a distinct file type.

Flows Cardinality

Number of flows for a given incident

Full Path URL

Full path URL for app activity

Host IP

IP address of host related to the event

Host MAC Address

MAC address of the host for this event

IP Protocol

Network protocol for this event

ISP Name

The ISP used for this event

When the IP address isn't provided by the ISP, then the event message is IP Addresses are assigned statically

Note: For sites with multiple active WAN interfaces that use different ISPs, the ISP Name value might not be accurate because the interfaces can change over the lifetime of the traffic flow

Link Health is Congested

Data that measures the congestion for a specific link

Link Health Jitter

Data that measures the jitter for a specific link

Link Health Latency

Data that measures the latency for a specific link

Link Health Packet Loss

Data that measures the packet loss for a specific link

Link Type

Link type for this connection, for example: Cato, or Alt. WAN

Login Type

Login action, values are: Admin Login or VPN client (remote access or site traffic)

Matched Data Types

Matched DLP data types related to the event

Mitre Attack fields

For relevant IPS events, shows data based on the comprehensive Mitre Att&ck knowledge base of cyber adversaries

  • mitre attack subtechniques

  • mitre attack tactics

  • mitre attack techniques

Network Rule

Name of the Network Rule matched by the traffic in this event

A value of 0 indicates that the flow experienced packet corruption issues, or was a system flow such as accessing the Socket WebUI

OnPrem SID

Unique identifier assigned to a user object in Microsoft's Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), used to distinctly identify and manage the user across various Azure services

OS Type

Type of host operating system, or tunnel device

OS Version

Version number of host operating system, or tunnel device

PoP Name

Name of PoP location that is connected to this event

Public Source IP

The public IP address assigned by the PoP the traffic egressed from. For sites that are using Internet Traffic Backauling as the routing method, this field shows the Local IP address of the Native Range for the site.

The field is not shown for traffic that doesn't egress from the PoP to the Internet, such as internal DNS requests and FTP traffic.

QoS Priority

The QoS priority value defined in the Network Rule matched by the traffic

QoS Reported time

For QoS, the time that this QoS event started. The event is generated when the QoS event finishes.

Registration Code

Registration code used the first time that a SDP user authenticates (the code is partially obfuscated)

Related Apps

A list of applications identified in the traffic flow for this event, as part of the application identification process.

This process analyzes the traffic at different stages of the flow, gathering information on all the protocols, services, and applications to make an accurate final determination of the application. This field provides context for the app identification by showing the apps identified throughout the stages of the process.

Request Method

HTTP request method (ie. GET, POST)

Risk Level

IPS event indicating the overall impact of a threat for the host or network:

Risk level low – minimal risk for network, such as adware

Risk level medium – medium risk for the network, such as network scans

Risk level high – significant risk for the network, such as spyware or worms


Name of the Firewall Rule matched by the traffic in this event

Rule ID

Unique Cato ID for the security rule related to the event

SAM Account Name

Logon name used to on versions of Windows prior to Windows 2000, used within a Windows Active Directory


Severity defined for the security rule

Sharing Scope

Sharing Options for the file (such as SharePoint)

Signature ID

For IPS and SAM, ID of the IPS signature

Socket Interface ID

Unique Cato ID for the Socket interface

Socket Interface Name

Name in Cato Management Application for the Socket port (interface)

Socket New Version

For Socket upgrade events, the version number for the new version

Socket Old Version

For Socket upgrade events, version number for the previous version

Socket Reset

For Socket reset events, indicates a hardware or software reset

Socket Role

For Socket high availability events, indicates if the Socket is primary or secondary

Source Country

For Clients and sites, the physical location for the public IP address that is outside the tunnel (detected via public IP address)

Source Country Code

Country Code of the country in which the source host is located (detected via public IP address)

Source IP

The IP address that Cato assigns to the host or Client

Source ISP IP

The ISP IP address that is outside the tunnel that connects the Cato Cloud

Source is Site or SDP User

For WAN traffic, source type: site or SDP user


For all traffic, the name of the source site or SDP user

Source Port

The internal port number for the Client, site, or host for the network connection

Source Site

For all traffic, the name of the source site or SDP user

Subnet name

Name of the subnet that is defined in the Cato Management Application


Subtype for an Event Type, such as Internet Firewall, SDP Activity, Apps Security

Targets Cardinality

Number of targets (servers) associated with this event

TCP Acceleration

Shows if traffic in the event was TCP accelerated. Values are 1 (accelerated) and 0 (not accelerated)

The field appears only for TCP-based traffic flows

Threat Name

For anti-malware events, malware name

For IPS events, explains the reason why the traffic was blocked

Threat Reference

Link to anti-malware threat database for the suspicious file

Threat Type

Type of malware event

Threat Verdict

Result of the malware scan. For files that are safe, the value is clean.


Time stamp for this event (Linux epoch format)

TLS Error Description

Explanation of the TLS error in this event, values are:

close notify, unexpected message, bad record mac, decompression failure, handshake failure, no certificate, bad certificate, unsupported certificate, certificate revoked, certificate expired, certificate unknown, illegal parameter, decryption failed, record overflow, unknown CA, access denied, decode error, decrypt error, export restriction, protocol version, insufficient security, internal error, user canceled, no renegotiation, unknown PSK identity, unknown

For explanations of these errors, see this document

TLS Error Type

The type of TLS error for this event, values are:

  • warning - Generally the connection can continue normally, however the receiving party could choose to close the connection.

  • fatal - Generally closes the TLS connection. For example, the network is busy, or a packet drop

  • unknown - The connection can continue normally. A part of the TLS connection is unknown, such as certificate_uknown

TLS Inspection

Shows if traffic in the event was TLS. Values are 1 (inspected) and 0 (not inspected)

The field appears only for TLS traffic flows

TLS Version

TLS protocol version number for this event

Traffic Direction

Direction of network traffic for this event, values are inbound or outbound

Tunnel Protocol

Protocol for the tunnel connection

Upgrade End Time

Socket upgrade end time (Linux epoch format)

Upgrade Initiated By

Indicates if the Socket upgrade occurred during the maintenance window or initiated by Support (value is Cato Admin)

Upgrade Start Time

Socket upgrade start time (Linux epoch format)


For Internet traffic, URL for the event

User Awareness Method

Method used to get identity with User Awareness (such as Identity Agent)

User email

Email address for the user

User Name

User that generated the event

User Object ID

Unique identifier assigned to a user object within Azure Active Directory, used to distinctly identify and manage user accounts

User Principal Name

Login name for a user in a Microsoft Active Directory environment, formatted as an email address (e.g., user@domain.com), and used for sign-in purposes

User Reference ID

For Block/Prompt page, reference ID to report incorrect category

User SID

Unique identifier assigned to each user on a Windows device system to manage permissions and access rights

Windows Domain Name

For LDAP sync events, name of the AD domain


XFF HTTP header indicates the original IP address for the connections

Explaining Fields for MDR Customers

MDR (Managed Detection and Response) customers of Cato Networks can view the events for security incidents in the Events page. The following table explains the event fields for these incidents in the event subtype MDR.




Client Class


Type of client applications that run on the operating system that created this network flow (for example, Chrome)

Flows Cardinality


Number of network flows that were included in this security incident

Incident Aggregation


A true/false value that indicates if this event is:

  • A summary that aggregates many events (true)

  • Raw network flows for a single event (false)

Incident ID


ID that identifies this security incident. You can use this ID to follow up for more information with the MDR team.

Targets Cardinality


Number of servers that were included in this security incident

Event Sub-Types

This is a list of the event sub-types:

  • Connectivity

    • API Key

    • Cato Management Application

    • Changed PoP

    • Client Connectivity Policy

    • Connected

    • DHCP Lease

    • Disconnected

    • LAN Monitoring

    • Last-Mile Quality

    • Link-Aggregation

    • Off-Cloud Transport Connect

    • Off-Cloud Transport Disconnect

    • Passive Connect

    • Passive Disconnect

    • Reconnected

    • Recovery via Alt. WAN

    • Registration Code

    • SDP Portal

    • Socket Fail-Over

  • Detection and Response

    • XDR Endpoint

    • XDR Network

    • XDR Threat

  • Routing

    • BGP Routing

    • BGP Session

    • VPN Never-Off Bypass

  • Security

    • Application Sign in

    • Apps Security

    • DNS Protection

    • Endpoint Protection

    • Identity Alert

    • Internet Firewall

    • IPS

    • LAN Firewall

    • MAC Address Authentication

    • Misclassification

    • NG Anti Malware

    • RPF

    • Saas Security API Anti Malware

    • Saas Security API Data Protection

    • SDP Activity

    • Suspicious Activity

    • TLS

    • WAN Firewall

  • Sockets Management

    • Socket Password Reset

    • Socket Upgrade

    • Socket WebUI Access

  • System

    • DC Connectivity Failure

    • Directory Services

    • Multiple Users Detected


    • SCIM Provisioning

    • SDP License

Explaining Fields for the Browser Access Portal

For more about the SDP events and fields, see Browser Access Portal Overview - Securing Remote Access to Applications.

Understanding the Types of Fields

These are the types of each field, and how to use them for manual filters.

  • Date and Time - Values for dates in this format <year>-<month>-<day>T<hour>:<minute>:<second>.<millisecond>Z, for example 2021-01-01T12:10:30.591Z

  • IP - Filter for IP addresses using the CIDR notation: [ip_address]/[prefix_length]

  • Keyword - Enter text strings, you can only search for Keyword fields with the exact value

  • Link - Link to an external reference

  • Number - Enter numbers as integers

  • Text - Event description, can't include in a filter

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  • Comment author

    Are all fields supposed to be documented here? I am missing an explanation of the field “Device Posture Profiles”.

  • Comment author
    Dermot - Community Manager Only 42 of these badges will be awarded.  They are reserved for people who have played a key role in helping build the Cato Community through their contributions! Community Pioneer The chief of community conversations. Community manager

    The Cato Networks GraphQL API Reference is the definitive source of this sort of information for the API.  I will check with the documentation team to get this article updated.

  • Comment author

    Thanks Dermot - a bit more detail than what is in the API documentation would helpful.


  • Comment author

    Thank you so much for adding the TLS Inspection and Network Rule fields, it's been a long wait.

  • Comment author
    奈緒 川野

    How does the Cato Cloud determines the “ISP Name”? Because the “ISP Name” in our log is not familiar to our environment.

  • Comment author

    What is Internal Event ID and how can I check meaning of it?